Work Experience

The University of Gothenburg

  • Doctoral Student (October 2021 - Present)

I am currently doing a PhD in Natural Language Processing at Gothenburg University, more specifically at Språkbanken Text. You can find their website here.

To see a list of the courses I have taken as part of this program, you can check the education section of my website.

I have been a TA (teaching assistant) for the following courses:

  • Computational Semantics (Spring 2024) at Gothenburg University
  • Basic skills for language technology (Winter 2023 and 2022) at Gothenburg University
  • Machine learning for statistical NLP (Autumn 2024, 2023, and 2022) at Gothenburg University
  • Introduction to Data Science and AI (Autumn 2024 and Spring 2022) at Chalmers University of Technology


  • Data Scientist (April 2021 - December 2021)

Apli is a company that provides automatic screening and insights for recruiters, as well as apps that help people match with an ideal job for them. The company website can be found here.

I worked in the development and deployment of models that evaluate candidates on interviews performed by a Facebook bot. I also worked on improving the natural language understanding (NLU) of said bot, as well as making sure that the results of our models were explainable and fair.

Reduce Soluciones

  • Data Science Advisor (October 2020 - present)
  • IT Director (July 2016 - August 2019)
  • Co-Founder (July 2016)

Reduce Soluciones is a startup that was founded by me and my family. The idea is to bring renewable energy solutions to homes and small businesses from the center of Mexico. You can read more about the company itself from here.

I was in charge of setting up the company’s computing systems, as well as setting up social media campaigns. I also worked in some administrative aspects of the company, such as creating a manual of style for our brand and the creation and auditing of some of the processes and procedures of the company.

One of the major projects I worked on was a group of machine learning models that automatize the design of photovoltaic and solar thermal systems.

My current role is on an advisory capacity on the design of novel solutions to streamline the processes of the company, as well as models that tailor solutions to the specific needs of our clients.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  • Undergraduate Internship at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences (November 2015 - February 2017)

I worked as part of the COLMENA Mission from the Lynx research group. The objective of this mission was to send a small swarm of self-assembling robots to the moon. The payload was expected to launch mid-2021. The website for the project can be found here (in Spanish).

I participated during the earliest stages of the project and worked mostly on doing a literature review both on complex systems as well as on robotic swarms. During later stages of my involvement, I created a simulator to see whether the robots would present desirable clustering properties.